We have deep gratitude for our grantors, sponsors and partners.

Our programs could not operate without the generosity of our community. When you partner with us, you contribute to changing the future of our world. Your support will provide opportunities for young people to become the next generation of changemakers. As part of our partnership we will also highlight your company, foundation or organization on our social media and website. 

Snow Hikers
Nature Connections Program

Here are just a few examples of how we can partner:

  • Join us in providing meals to our community during COVID-19 by donating food.
  • Donate hotspots, internet connection, and/or technological equipment to help us provide internet access for families during COVID-19.
  • Donate supplies for us to distribute at events and protests such as food and/or first aid equipment.
  • Sponsor an event such as Career Day, STEM Day, or Ignite.
  • Be a presenter at Career Day or STEM Day.
  • Sponsor or partner with our Nature Connections program by donating equipment, providing outdoor experiences, or providing other resources.
  • Sponsor or partner with Y-WE Code by hosting an educational event, donating technological equipment, or providing other resources.

Interested in learning more?

Please contact Cheryl Delostrinos, our Community Partnerships Manager at cheryl@y-we.org.

View our current grantors, sponsors, and partners!

Y-WE STEM Group Picture
Y-WE STEM Exploration Day 2020

Join Y-WE and invest in a better future for young women*
*those who identify as women, girls, trans, non-binary, or gender expansive