Do you have ideas or resources you want to share? Send them to Aisha at aisha@y-we.org
Liberation Resources
- List of actions you can take in the City of Seattle!
- Visit @youngwomenempowered, @gotgreenseattle, and @covid19mutualaid on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about resources and offerings that are happening in the Seattle Area as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Community Resources
- In need of low-cost computer and internet basics? Visit https://www.everyoneon.org/find-offers
- Are you in need of food support?
- Contact Neli at neli@y-we.org for information on Y-WE’s weekly food delivery program done in partnership with Musang.
- List of all places supplying food at this time in Seattle city limits: https://public.tableau.com/profile/city.of.seattle.human.services#!/vizhome/Covid-19Seattle-AreaEmergencyFoodResources/COVIDEmergencyFood
- The Station Coffee Shop, located on Beacon Hill, has a community food pantry open! Come and take what you need.
- Check out @wa_bloc on Instagram for South Seattle food resources. Updated daily.
- King County Regional Donations Connector
- Resources for workers during COVID-19
Activities & Ways to Stay Connected
- Youtube At Home Yoga Series: https://youtu.be/KWBfQjuwp4E
- Share your favorite podcasts, songs, and albums here so that we can share them with the whole community! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-ajnC9TMANVDwGvBVtzf1HDZVd0o4R5p9agrLU8t4s4/edit
- Coping with stress from COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/managing-stress-anxiety.html
- Mediation App by and for Black people: https://liberatemeditation.com/