This year, our Youth Leadership Summit took place on Facebook live! From May 25-29, youth from each of our programs hosted daily workshops. It was such a joy to celebrate all they have learned this year. If you were unable to attend, click here to view each workshop.
Monday, May 25: Nature Connections
How do we stay connected to ourselves, each other, and nature during uncertain times? What wisdom is nature trying to share with us at this moment? What can nature teach us about building strong, resilient communities? Join the Nature Connections Main Cohort to explore these questions through art, journaling, and deep conversations!
Tuesday, May 26: Y-WE Code
What is technology doing for us? Who is behind the technology being created? What does it mean to be a creator of technology? These are the questions that the youth and mentors in Y-WE Code have been exploring together all year. Join us to hear about replacing the RAM in the Young Women Empowered laptops, creating our own websites, and getting mad about how racist and sexist artificial intelligence and machine learning can be and why. We’re excited to share the road map we’ve made over the course of the year and the way the pandemic has changed the way we gather and use technology. Please join us!
Wednesday, May 27: Youth Leadership Council
The Youth Leadership Council (YLC) is a group of returning youth committed to deepening their leadership and becoming stewards of Y-WE culture, by contributing their ideas on the direction of the organization and applying their leadership in the greater community. They have spent their year working on leadership projects, gaining skills in facilitation, public speaking, self defense, and creating healthy boundaries. Join the YLC for a share back, skill share and juicy conversation about radical self love with Sonya Renee Taylor, the author of The Body is Not an Apology.
Thursday, May 28: Environmental Leadership Council
What is environmental racism, what is unjust about our food system, and how can we manifest visions of justice and reciprocity with both the environment and our community? Join the Environmental Leadership Council as we share our learning and experience around these questions and invite you to connect to them through reflection, art, and at-home gardening!
Friday, May 29: Y-WE Lead
YWE Lead is a program that encourages, empowers, and awakens leadership skills in youth. We equip youth with necessary tools to lift up their communities through various workshops, public speaking, creative writing, and art. We are continuing our leadership skills through the art of film. Each youth including mentors are paired up in a production team to create and express their own truths and experiences during this pandemic. We are inviting you to share this experience through our first YWE Lead film screening!