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What is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth, otherwise know as Freedom Day, became a National Holiday in 2021. Since then, the public outcry for justice and reparations has grown quieter. Let’s not forget that the demand for change is still just as alive.

Seattle City Budget: How to Make Your Voice Heard Now

Right now, the City of Seattle is determining how they will distribute funds in our city for 2024. During this process we have an opportunity as residents of Seattle to influence these decisions. Build the future you want to see in the world by helping shape the future of Seattle!

Healing Justice Collective Eliminates Barriers to Therapy for Y-WE Youth

Y-WE’s Healing Justice Collective is a new initiative that connects current and past Y-WE participants to values-aligned mental health practitioners and covers the cost of these resources. Learn about the genesis of the collective, what inspired it, and how we can make healing more accessible.

How to engage with the 2023 legislative session

We always encourage our young participants to use their voice and strive for change in their communities. One way to do this is to engage with local lawmakers. However, this process is often very inaccessible and confusing. Check out our step-by-step process for getting involved in the 2023 Washington State legislative session!

Join Y-WE and invest in a better future for young women*
*those who identify as women, girls, trans, non-binary, or gender expansive