Introducing our first story in the Y-WE Bloom series: Reagan Jackson! Reagan is the Co-Executive Director of Programs & Organizational Vision at Y-WE.
“My name is Reagan Jackson and I’m the Co-Executive Director of Y-WE.
Y-WE is what I wish I’d had as a young person. It’s a community of belonging, an opportunity for people to connect with like-minded people, it’s a source of support for so many young people in the community – making sure that they’re resourced to live their dreams.
When I think about what liberation means to me, it’s about having the opportunity to really fully embody all of my potential. And that’s really what I’m hoping for our young people, it that this community will be an opportunity for them to experience that liberation, of stepping into the fullness of who they are and bringing all of their gifts. I feel most powerful when I’m standing in my purpose, and this is it – working with these young people and making sure they have what they need to create a better world.
I bloom by being vulnerable actually, and by failing. You have to try to get out of your comfort zone, do new things. That’s when I feel most alive, most vibrant, and like I’m really blooming. It’s not necessarily when I’m in the height of my success or doing the thing that I do best, but when I’m like willing to take a risk to try something new.”